Our Vision

To remain an International leader in providing a high standard of training and consultancy to clients (Commercial, Military, Security and Police) and related institutions in the explosive and security related industry.

Our Mission

To serve our clients by providing the highest level of quality, service, expertise, training and reliability. We strive to maintain a professional, and lasting relationship with all our clients. Science based innovation and advancements of our services and resources in an ever-changing explosive security environment. A professional approach based on honesty, trust, integrity and responsibility.

Company History

Owner of JP Explosive Consultants Pty LTD joined the South African Police Force during 1977 and became a member of the Bomb Squad/Chief Inspector of Explosives during 1985. During 1997 he became instructor. The company JP Explosive Consultants Pty LTD was formally registered as a CC in 2002 and later became Pty LTD.

Owner History

Member of the Bomb Squad of the South African Police for 18 years of which instructor for 7 years. During 2002 the owner became International contractor and started training and consultancy and gained vast experience in following countries namely South Africa, Mozambique, Angola, Mauritius, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen. Spend 7 years in Somalia, training and mentoring AMISOM troops in IED management, IED Awareness, EOD, BAC.